
  • This potential has to do with the interaction with others.

  • People in this category are usually extroverts and are characterized by their senstivity to other's moods, feelings, tempraments and motivations and their ability to co-operate in order to work as a part of a group.

  • They communicate effectively and empathize easily with others and may be either leaders or followers, they typically learn best by working with others and often they enjoy disussions and debate.

  1. Get organized! Use a time management system to make sure you keep in touch regularly with your network of business associates and friends.

  2. Join a volunteer or service-oriented group.

  3. Start a hobby that involves you having to go to a regular meeting of like-minded people.

  4. Join the Samaritans.

  5. Throw a party and invite people you don’t know very well.

  6. Take a leadership role at work or in the community.

  7. Start your own support group.

  8. Participate in workshops/seminars of interpersonal & communication skills.

  9. Have regular family meetings.

  10. Strike up conversation with people in public places.

  11. Find several pen friends from different cultures and parts of the world.

  12. Offer to tutor other people on an informal basis in something you have expertise in.

  13. Spend fifteen minutes a day just people-watching on a train, bus, shopping centre or restaurant.

  14. Study the lives of well-known socially competent people and decide what you want to ‘model’ from them.