
  • This potential is related to logical, abstract, inductive and deductive reasoning and numbers.

  • While it is often assumed that those with this potential naturally excel in mathematics, computer programming and other logical or numerical activities, a more accurate definition places less emphasis on traditional, mathematical ability and more on reasoning capabilities, abstract pattern recognition, scientific thinking and investigation and the ability to perform complex calculations.

  1. Play logical/mathematical games (Go, Clue do) with friends & family.

  2. Learn to use an abacus.

  3. Work on logic puzzles and brain teasers.

  4. Learn basic computer programming.

  5. Take a course in basic math or science at an evening class.

  6. Read the business sections of the newspaper and look up unfamiliar economic or financial concepts.

  7. Visit a science museum.

  8. Tape yourself talking out loud about how to solve logical or mathematical problems.

  9. Help your kids with their math / science homework.

  10. Purchase a telescope and a microscope and discover a new world.

  11. Draw flowcharts of all the key processes in your department or area of work and then come up with new ideas on how to make whatever service you provide more effective.

  12. Practice mental calculation.

  13. Avoid using a calculator.

  14. Develop the habit of asking "Why"