Aura & Chakras

Aura and Chakaras - ઓરા અને ચક્રાસ

Chakra therapy - ચક્ર થેરાપી

Chakra Aromatherapy - ચક્ર એરોમાથેરાપી

Gemstones and Crystal Therapy - રત્નો અને સ્ફટિકો થેરાપી

Information about the seven Chakras - સાત ચક્રો વિશે માહિતી

Muladhara Chakra

Name: The Root Chakra

Associated Color: Red

Location: Tail Bone (Spine Base)

Endocrine Glands: The Adrenal Medulla (above the Kidneys)

Frequency: 396 Hz

Helps: Rid Trauma, Fear, and Guilt.

Aromas: Vetiver, Myrrh, Patchouli, Clove, Cedar Nutmeg, Cinnamon & Ginger

Gemstone: Garnet, Smoky Quartz, Obsidian, Black Tourmaline and Bloodstone, Tiger’s Eye, Hematite, Agate.

Name: Sacra Plexus Chakra

Associated Color: Orange

Location: Lower Abdomen; Beneath the Navel

Endocrine Glands: Orange The Sexual Organs (Testes and Ovaries)

Frequency: 417 Hz

Helps: Creativity and Positive Change. Thought to Alleviate Tension and Stress, Allowing you to free up Tight Joints and Muscles and, in turn,Increase Physical Mobility.

Aromas: Sandalwood, Tangerine, Texas Cedarwood, Orange, Geranium & Pepper

Gemstone: Carnelian Agate, Orange Calcite Tiger Eye, Citrine, Moonstone, and Coral.

Manipura Chakra

Name: Solar Plexus Chakra

Associated Color: Yellow

Location: Stomach Area (Upper Abdomen)

Endocrine Glands: The Pancreas

Frequency: 528 Hz

Helps: Responsible for Miracles and Dramatic changes in people. Pain and Anxiety Relief, Weight Loss, and Rewiring of your Brain’s Neural Pathways.

Aromas: Myrrh, Lemon, Frankincense, Balsam Fir Needle & Lavender

Gemstone: Citrine, Topaz, Yellow Calcite, Malachite, and Topaz.

Anahata Chakra

Name: Heart Chakra

Associated Color: Green

Location: The middle of your Chest

Endocrine Glands: The Thymus

Frequency: 639 Hz

Helps: Activates Healing and Love.  It’s in-depth, profound, and associated with vulnerability and intimacy. Creates the Foundation for Interpersonal Connections and Healthy Relationships.

Aromas: Rose, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Peppermint, Bergamot, Geranium & Tea Tree

Gemstone: Rose Quartz, Kunzite, and Watermelon Tourmaline, Jade, and Green Calcite.

Vishuddha Chakra

Name: Throat Chakra

Associated Color: Light Blue

Location: Throat

Endocrine Glands: The Thyroid Gland

Frequency: 741 Hz

Helps: Promotes Speaking the Truth and Empowerment. Sounds in this frequency Encourage Idea Generation, Creative Thinking, Clear Speaking, and Self-Confidence.

Aromas: Lavender, Coriander, Geranium & Chamomile

Gemstone: Aquamarine and Azurite, Lapis Lazuli, and Turquoise.

Ajna Chakra

Name: Third-Eye Chakra

Associated Color: Purple and Dark Blue

Location: Your Forehead –the Middle of your Two Eyes

Endocrine Glands: The Hypothalamus

Frequency: 852 Hz

Helps: Higher Realm of Spiritual Thinking. It walks you out of Illusions, Introducing you to Reality and the True Elements of your Environment.

Aromas: Vanilla, Orange, Bergamot & Lemon

Gemstone: Amethyst, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Purple Fluorite, Black Obsidian.

Sahasrara Chakra

Name: Crown Chakra

Associated Color: White / Violet

Location: Located at The Top Middle [Crown] of your Head

Endocrine Glands: The Pituitary Gland

Frequency: 852 Hz

Helps: Higher

Aromas: Neroli, Jasmine, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang & Rose

Gemstone: Clear Quartz Crystal, Oregon Opal, Diamond and Amethyst.