
  • This potential is related to visual and spatial judgement.

  • People with strong visual-spatial potential are typically very good at visualising and mentally manipulating objects.

  • They have a strong visual memory and are often artistically inclined.

  • Those with strong spatial potential also generally have a good sense of direction and may also have very good hand-eye coordination, although this is normally seen as a characteristic of the Bodily-Kinesthetic potential.

  1. Draw a picture of a problem or issue.

  2. Create a mind map of a problem or issue.

  3. Use diagrams and flowcharts instead of words.

  4. Make visual notes of what someone is saying rather than using words.

  5. Encourage yourself to doodle while thinking.

  6. While note-taking at meetings, use pictures and symbols to represent important concepts or concepts that would take a lot of words to describe.

  7. Keep a personal sketchbook within which to draw pictures of your ideas.

  8. Join painting classes.

  9. Participate in drawing competitions.

  10. Work on jigsaw puzzles, Rubik's cube, maze and other visual puzzles.

  11. Learn photography.

  12. Study geometry.

  13. Learn ideogram-based languages like Chinese.

  14. Purchase a visual dictionary and study how a common machine works.

  15. Learn how to use flowchart, decision trees, diagrams and other forms of visual representations.