Kua Number

Feng Shui Kua Number Calculation Method for 19XX

Calculation of the Kua Number is based on a simple formula. For the calculation of Feng shui kua, 2 factors are considered: birth year and Gender. Follow these simple steps to calculate Kua Number.

Add the last two digits of your year of birth. If the resulting number is a double digit, add the digits once again to get a single digit.

Kua Number for female - Add 5 to the single digit obtained in the previous step. If the result is a double-digit, add the digits to get a single-digit number.

Kua Number for male - Subtract the single digit obtained in the first step from 10. The resulting single-digit number will give the Feng shui kua number for the male.

Calculating the Feng Shui Kua number 

For Example, if your year of birth is 1976, add the last two digits, ie., 7 + 6 = 13, which is a double-digit number. Therefore add the two digits, 1 + 3 = 4.

For females, add 5 to the number obtained in the first step. 5 + 4 = 9. Therefore, Feng Shui Kua Number of a female born in 1976 is 9.

For a Female Kua No. 5 = 8

For Male, subtract 4 from 10. Therefore Kua number for males born in 1976 is 10 - 4 = 6.

For a Male Kua No. 5 = 2

Feng Shui Kua Number Calculation Method for 20XX

Calculation of the Kua Number is based on a simple formula. For the calculation of Feng shui kua, 2 factors are considered: birth year and Gender. Follow these simple steps to calculate Kua Number.

Add the last two digits of your year of birth. If the resulting number is a double digit, add the digits once again to get a single digit.

Kua Number for female - Add 6 to the single digit obtained in the previous step. If the result is a double-digit, add the digits to get a single-digit number.

Kua Number for male - Subtract the single digit obtained in the first step from 9. The resulting single-digit number will give the Feng shui kua number for the male.

Calculating the Feng Shui Kua number 

For Example, if your year of birth is 2013, add the last two digits, ie., 1 + 3 = 4.

For females, add 6 to the number obtained in the first step. 6 + 4 = 10. Which is a double-digit number. Therefore add the two digits, 1 + 0 = 1. Therefore, Feng Shui Kua Number of a female born in 2013 is 1.

For a Female Kua No. 5 = 8

For Males, subtract from 9. Therefore Kua number for males born in 2013 is 9 - 4 = 5. Therefore, Feng Shui Kua Number of a Male born in 2013 is 2.

For a Male Kua No. 5 = 2

KUA No.: 1

For Money and Success: South East

To Improve Health: East

To Attract Love: South

For Personal Growth: North

Love: 9

Friend: 6, 7 

Neutral: 3, 4 

Enemy: 2, 8

KUA No.: 2

For Money and Success: North East

To Improve Health: West

To Attract Love: North West

For Personal Growth: South West

Love: 8

Friend: 7

Neutral: 6, 9 

Enemy: 1, 3, 4

KUA No.: 3

For Money and Success: South

To Improve Health: North

To Attract Love: South East

For Personal Growth: East

Love: 7

Friend: 4, 9 

Neutral: 1, 8 

Enemy: 2, 6

KUA No.: 4

For Money and Success: North

To Improve Health: South

To Attract Love: East

For Personal Growth: South East

Love: 6

Friend: 3, 9 

Neutral: 1

Enemy: 2, 7, 8

KUA No.: 6

For Money and Success: West

To Improve Health: North East

To Attract Love: South West

For Personal Growth: North West

Love: 4

Friend: 1, 7, 8 

Neutral: 2

Enemy: 3, 9

KUA No.: 7

For Money and Success: North West

To Improve Health: South West

To Attract Love: North East

For Personal Growth: West

Love: 3

Friend: 1, 2, 6 

Neutral: 8

Enemy: 4, 9

KUA No.: 8

For Money and Success: South West

To Improve Health: North West

To Attract Love: West

For Personal Growth: North East

Love: 2, 9 

Friend: 6

Neutral: 3, 7 

Enemy: 1, 4

KUA No.: 9

For Money and Success: East

To Improve Health: South East

To Attract Love: North

For Personal Growth: South

Love: 1, 8 

Friend: 3, 4 

Neutral: 2

Enemy: 6, 7